“Stay in your lane. Comparison kills creativity and joy.” Brene Brown
Whether it is our job designation or paycheck, children’s grades or house, Facebook likes or Insta, there are numerous categories in which we compare ourselves to others. Hardly realizing that comparison gradually starts killing happiness and peace of mind, we keep thinking that others’ life is full of glory while ours is all about misery!
If you are looking at ways to stop comparing yourself to others and change your life for good, then here are the best tips for you.
- Focus on your “Growth”
When we focus on other people, all we do is – lose the precious time that we could invest in making our life prosper. So, instead of comparing your life with someone else’s, you must spend time and effort filling the gaps in your life and making it grow. Comparing yourself to others means focusing on their strengths and not your own. So, make a list of your past achievements to seek motivation and another list of what you want to achieve.
- Create Acceptance
When you cannot change a thing, it is the time you accept it. Acceptance creates satisfaction and contentment. So, instead of resisting and sulking, you must create peace with it. Accept how it is, and find ways to handle the same. Make positive decisions that can help steer your life in the right direction.

- Stay away from social media for a while
Social media triggers doubt and frustration. Some people are highly driven by social media such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. We often compare our worst moments with other person’s best. Also, not everything that looks alluring is great! If it is affecting you, you must choose to cut it from your life.
- Express Gratitude
Be thankful for what you have, to have some more! If you keep thinking about what you don’t have, you will never have enough. Whenever your mind tells you that your life isn’t as good as how it should be, then focus on jotting down the things you have and should be grateful for! For example, if you have a loving family or a bunch of well-wishers friends or you are living in a peaceful country, then consider yourself fortunate and happy!
- Do not be scared
Sometimes we make choices based on fear. Make decisions without feeling insecure. Make love, the basis of all your choices.
- Nobody is perfect
Perfection is a myth. No one in this world is perfect. Everyone has their miseries, sooner or later. The people who we consider richer, smarter, and happier, also have melancholy deep within, which we are not aware of. Trying for perfection will keep you hassled and stressed. So, instead of thinking about your flaws and imperfections, accept them.
- Seek inspiration rather than comparison
When you are impressed by a person’s personality or lifestyle, then instead of comparing yourself to their success, seek inspiration. This inspiration will push you to work towards ensuring your achievement. Do not let the people’s triumphs make you feel down, rather consider the same as an opportunity for new possibilities.
- Life is not a competition
Though sometimes competition is appropriate, but life is not a competition with others. The sooner we take life as a means to compete with others, we will start living a more content life.
You may not realize but there are many wonderful things about your life. You may be an artist or a businessman or a loving mother or a good human being. You must celebrate because you are unique. While other people are living their life, you are living your own!