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Ways to acutely learn any instrument

by LittleYouKnow

Whether you have just decided to pick up a new instrument, or have been playing for years but feel like you’re stuck in a rut, there are ways to learn and improve your skills more acutely. By following these tips, you’ll be able to get the most out of your practice time and really see results. So whatever instrument you play – guitar, violin, trumpet or piano – keep reading for some useful advice.

1. Set realistic goals

One of the most important things you can do when learning an instrument is to set realistic goals. This means having a clear idea of what you want to achieve and setting deadlines for yourself. If your goal is too vague, such as “I want to be a better guitar player,” it will be difficult to know when you’ve reached it. Instead, try to be more specific – perhaps “I want to improve my finger dexterity and learn a new song by the end of the month.”

2. Find a good teacher or coach

Having an experienced teacher or coach can be invaluable when learning an instrument. Not only will they be able to advise you on how to reach your goals in the most efficient way possible, but they can also provide feedback and guidance along the way. Whether you take private lessons one-on-one or join a group class for beginners, having someone who knows what they are doing to help you is always beneficial.

3. Practice regularly

Practice makes perfect, as the saying goes, so it’s important to make sure you’re practicing regularly if you want to improve your skills. Even if it’s just for 15 minutes a day, setting aside some time each day to focus on your playing will make a big difference. If you can, try to find a quiet place where you can really concentrate and focus on what you’re doing.

4. Start with the basics

If you’re a complete beginner, it’s important to start with the basics and build up from there. Trying to learn too much too soon is likely to overwhelm you and could lead to frustration. Instead, take things slowly and focus on one thing at a time. For example, start by learning how to hold your instrument correctly, then move on to simple exercises such as scales, chords or arpeggios.

5. Practice regularly with other musicians

If you’re learning a musical instrument, it’s a great idea to practice regularly with other musicians. Not only will this help to improve your skills and increase your confidence, but it can also be a lot of fun! Whether you join a band or jam sessions with friends, playing music with others is always a rewarding experience that helps to keep you motivated and inspired.

6. Set aside time for regular breaks

Although practicing regularly is important for improving your skills, it’s also just as important to take regular breaks so that your brain has time to absorb what you’ve learned. This doesn’t mean taking long periods of time off – even just a few minutes here and there can be enough. For example, you could try taking a short walk outside or doing some light exercise in between practice sessions.

7. Set achievable goals for yourself and track your progress

As well as setting long-term goals for yourself, it’s also helpful to set smaller, achievable goals along the way so that you can track your progress as you learn. This can help to keep you motivated and provide encouragement when things get challenging. Some ways to do this include keeping a practice journal or using an app that tracks your playing time and progress.

8. Take advantage of online resources

If you’re struggling with certain aspects of learning an instrument, there are lots of great online resources that you can use to find help. Whether it’s a step-by-step tutorial video or an interactive quiz, there are lots of different ways to learn online that don’t require any additional tuition fees.

9. Find inspiration from other musicians

If you’re struggling with motivation or feel like giving up altogether, one great way to keep your spirits up is by finding inspiration in other successful musicians. Watch interviews with them, read books they’ve written and listen to their most popular songs – this will not only give you a better understanding of the music industry but also help you stay motivated during difficult times.

10. Take periodic breaks from playing your instrument

Although the regular practice is important for improving your skills, taking periodic breaks from playing your instrument can also be helpful. For instance, you could try taking a week off from practicing after every month or two of regular play sessions. This will give your brain and body a break, while also helping to prevent burnout or tiredness.

11. Use a metronome when practicing timing and rhythm

If you’re struggling with timing and rhythm, one great way to improve these skills is by using a metronome when practicing. A metronome is simply an electronic device that produces an audible click at set intervals, making it easier for you to keep track of time as you play. There are lots of different types available online but most work in the same basic way – just make sure you check the instructions first so that you know how to use it properly.

12. Get feedback from an expert or mentor

If you’re serious about becoming a great musician, it will help to get some professional guidance along the way. This could be in the form of a formal music lesson, a casual conversation with someone who knows their stuff, or assistance via email or social media. Simply having someone experienced to listen to your playing and give advice can make all the difference when it comes to improving your skills and achieving success.

13. Use repetition when learning new techniques and songs

When learning any new techniques or song passages, repetition is key for committing them to memory and improving your accuracy. Try breaking each passage down into smaller chunks so that you can focus on nailing one section at a time. Then, once you’ve got that down, move on to the next section and repeat the process until you can play the whole thing smoothly from start to finish.

14. Try different techniques and strategies when practicing

Even if you’re using the same piece of music or exercises for your practice sessions, trying different techniques and strategies can help to keep things interesting and improve your results. For example, you could try changing the tempo, playing with different dynamics, or focusing on a different aspect of your technique each time you practice. By mixing things up in this way, you’ll find it easier to stay motivated and make faster progress.

15. Practice with other musicians whenever possible

In addition to regular practice, another great way to improve your skills is by playing with other musicians whenever possible. This could be in the form of jam sessions with your friends or doing a paid gig at a local venue. Having someone else to play with provides lots of different benefits – not only will you have fun and learn something new, but it also allows you to start experiencing some of the challenges that professional musicians face on a daily basis.


Becoming a great musician takes time, practice, and dedication. But with the right strategies and techniques, you can improve your skills and achieve success in the music industry. Some key tips to keep in mind include setting goals for yourself, practicing regularly, seeking feedback from experts, and experimenting with different techniques and strategies when you practice. Whether you’re learning to play an instrument or mastering new songwriting skills, there are endless ways to improve your musicianship!

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