Some days we can feel sleepy and tired, especially if we have not gotten enough sleep, exercised too much, or are jet-lagged. However, if you feel tired in the afternoon, even if you slept well at night and took frequent naps during the day, you may have hypersomnia.

The leading causes of drowsiness during the day are sleep deprivation, poor sleep hygiene, and overstaying one’s bedtime. In addition, excessive sleepiness may be a sign of a serious medical condition.
It is, however, best to avoid this situation. Therefore, we have also included some tips to help you avoid afternoon naps in this blog.
- An energy shot
Feeling sluggish at work? Caffeine can help you stay energized. Caffeine stimulates both your nervous system and your brain. In that way, it improves your mental performance, improves your ability to think, and helps you remain alert.
It is okay to grab a coffee in the break room or go to a nearby coffee shop. Just don’t overdo it. Too much caffeine might lead to jitteriness and a lack of concentration, reducing productivity.

- Avoid sleeping with electronic devices.
People can easily fall asleep when using smartphones, tablets, and laptops just before bedtime. The kind of light emitted from these screens is extremely stimulating for the brain, making it hard to fall asleep. Before bed, consider reading a good old-fashioned book if you need to unwind instead. Even though daytime sleepiness may negatively impact your life, a visit to the doctor may be able to help.
- Set a regular time for eating healthy meals.
A healthy breakfast and lunch in the morning differ from grabbing junk food and coffee on the way to work or a sandwich after work. A healthy diet plays a vital role in maintaining our circadian rhythms. Also prevents sleepiness during the day due to energy deficits. Eat your last meal two to three hours before bed.
- Working out
Exercising (30 minutes a day, every day) can improve sleep on multiple levels. Exercise, especially aerobic exercise, generally facilitates sounder sleep. Exercise can also help your memory and concentration. If you exercise outdoors in daylight, you may gain even more benefits since sunlight is known to regulate our sleep cycle if we are exposed to it for a short period each day.
- Play upbeat music
When you’re fatigued, working in silence may be challenging. At any moment, you might fall asleep. Listen to upbeat music to relax. To keep yourself entertained if you can’t turn on the radio, listen to upbeat music with earbuds.
Key Takeaway!
Keeping your employer happy means managing daytime sleepiness. Use these tips to keep going when you feel drowsy throughout the day. If your fatigue persists for more than a few weeks, schedule an appointment with your doctor.